Wandering Workshops
We recently got chatting to Hannah Bailey, who set up Wandering Workshops with Lesley McKenna, to find out more about this fantastic venture.
What is the big idea behind Wandering Workshops?
Our main mission with Wandering Workshops is to break down the array of barriers that exist in getting outdoors, in order to invite more people into the space, those who weren't previously seen so much. Whether ski touring, splitboarding, hiking or mountain biking - we want to provide a safe space for more people to join in. As well as providing the educational side of the outdoors, so people feel comfortable and equipped, we also do some photography and meaning-making exercises. A major mission of the community interest group for me personally is to invite more perspectives into the outdoors, to challenge the traditional alpinistic narrative, which can be very off-putting! I love encouraging people to capture their experience of the workshops through photography and creativity so we can share it with others.
photo credit: hannah bailwey, Wandering workshops
Can you tell me a little bit about yours and Lesley McKenna’s backgrounds?
I have been working in the outdoor and action sports sector for well over a decade now and it's both my profession and my passion. I am a photographer, and producer based in Aviemore, but originally from Edinburgh. I have really only recently found my home in the Cairngorms, but I love it and feel ever connected to the land, as I learn more and more about it. I have known Lesley for over 10 years as we first met when I was working at Roxy (the outdoor brand) and she was their snow team manager. We really had a lot more time to mull over ideas and work missions on trail runs around Aviemore when I moved here in 2020 and the idea of Wandering Workshop came about. As for Lesley! Well, she is one mega-inspiring human being, a three-time Olympian, sports development leader, backcountry mountain guide, local shinty coach, with a captivating philosophical mind. If you want to tour the Cairngorms on board or bike, she is one of the most interesting people to do it with, having grown up in Aviemore, this is the land that formed her so she is very knowledgeable and connected to it.
photo credit: hannah bailey, wandering workhops
What does a typical Workshop entail and what would you like people to get out of them?
Typically our workshops last for two days. At the moment, in winter they are snow based, so on touring skis or a splitboard. And in the summer we will start running our mountain bike workshops with local guide Fiona Finnie. Over the course of the weekend, we start by connecting with our local environment and nature - we start slow! Then we get comfortable and clued up on the equipment and skills we need to be safe on the hill, then head out for a tour or ride. On both days there is the opportunity to share thoughts on the experience and moments. There is also photography tips, and it closes each day with a yoga session.
Would I need to have any experience to take part?
For the winter workshops, we ask that participants can ski or snowboard a red run comfortably, in order to be equipped for the backcountry. For the mountain bike workshops, we advise that you have been out for a ride before. But don't let your confidence stop you - you can talk to us about your experience and we can advise. We hate that the barrier of confidence might stop people from joining in!
photo credit: hannah bailey, wandering workshops
When is your next workshop and how do I book?
Our last workshop of the winter is in March. Otherwise, stay tuned for our summer biking dates, coming soon.
To book get in touch via our website or Instagram
https://wanderingworkshops.com/ @WanderingWrkshop
We can’t wait to get involved and experience one of these workshops held by two very experienced and inspiring local women!
*banner photo credit: Hannah Bailey Photography; Wandering Workshops